
2.2.07 Fried Rice

Senior year, first semester. This was about the time I started to go to the grocery store more often. Oh, the memories of standing in the freezing cold, waiting for the bus to come. At the grocery store, I discovered a plethora of veggies that could be used for something very simple, like fried rice. So I picked out something that seemed like a common addition, the broccoli. Scrambled egg is also pretty standard. The corn... well I probably had that sitting around in a can and figured it would go fine with everything else. So there it is, mixed together with a splash of soysauce and a few drops of sesame oil. I also sprinkled some sesame seeds on top for
good measure.
Fried rice is definitely one of those dishes that you can't go wrong with. You also don't need a wok; a sautee pan will work just great. One thing I have a real problem with though is eyeballing the appropriate amounts of each ingredient. I usually put in way too much rice and not enough of everything else. Then the pan gets overloaded and rice/broccoli/corn/egg goes flying. Oh well. Who wants to bother with measuring cups and spoons? Chopping that stuff up took enough of my time.

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