
April 2007: Breakfast Taco of Sorts

First semester senior, winter semester 2007.
I had an unusual craving for something tortilla related. Unfortunately, Ann Arbor doesn't seem to have a Taco Bell. It does have Mexican/Tex-Mex restaurants, but most of them are overpriced. The most popular one that delivers (until 4 AM!) is Tios, and wow... those can make a drunk evening much worse. At any rate, I'm not good at dealing with meat. I think at that point in time I had tried to cube chicken breast once. The sensation of finger-on-uncooked meat is not spectacular. "Soz whut shood I putz in it??" I thought. Then it came to me. The one thing that I could put into a pan and make it taste good... scrambled eggs. That was the grand conception of my "breakfast taco."

Well, what else goes in breakfast tacos besides scrambled egg? Sausage? Oh wait, I can't deal with meat. OK. Potatoes, meat's best friend. Well, scrambled eggs and potatoes don't really work by themselves. OK. Onion. And thus there was onion. Wait. This breakfast taco will have no flavor. I have no salsa or sour cream. What to do, what to do. Well, there's some dried basil... and ketchup that's been in the fridge ever since I bought hot dogs two months ago... OK. Basil and ketchup it is.

And that's how my breakfast taco was born. It probably doesn't sound that great, but to a starving college student who didn't want to shop on a Sunday morning, it was the perfect change of pace (from eating nothing).

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